Tag: announcements

clip art kids playing

Back-to-School Playdate 8/27/16

Join us for a Back to School Pop-Up Play Date from 3:00 – 5:00pm on Saturday, August 27, 2016.  See old friends and make some new ones; all new and returning families welcome. We are meeting at Druid Hill Park, one of our great community gems in Park Heights, and we’ll post back with the specific meet-up location shortly (it will be one of the playgrounds). We can’t wait to see you!

(If you are planning on donating school supplies and this is a convenient time to bring them, we can receive them during the play date. However, no requirement, and you can just bring yourselves!)

Summer at Creative City!

So much is happening here at Creative City this summer!  We will host a small summer literacy camp for 20 older students, and 10 teenagers will work on our building through the Mayor’s YouthWorks program.  All current and incoming Creative City families are invited to come to several Garden Workdays, Park Playdates, and Library & Literacy Volunteer days.  To sign up for one or several dates, click over to this handy sign-up form.  Thank you!

Before & AfterCare with UEC for Fall 2015

We are excited to announce a new partnership with United Education Corp (UEC) for fee-based Before & Aftercare onsite at Creative City beginning in Fall 2015.  Before care from 7-8a, and aftercare until 6:30pm will be offered, with daily programming in Art and Sports.  They are a seasoned provider with 14 years of experience at the nearby Mt. Washington School, and have an excellent partnership with our friends at City Neighbors.  Links to details and applications can be found below.  Numerous full and partial scholarships are being offered based on household income.  Please fill out the form linked below, and bring it to school or fax or email it in to Caroline at MCanino@BCPS.k12.md.us by Friday 6/12.

UEC @ Creative City Flyer

UEC @ Creative City Registration Packet

UEC Health Form

UEC Emergency Form 

UEC @ Creative City Scholarship Application via MSDE 21stCLCC  

Creative City is hiring!

Creative City is hiring a 4th grade teacher.  See CCPCS Teacher Job Description.



“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X



Creative City Public Charter School is a progressive charter elementary school in northwest Baltimore City. With small classes and a focus on the arts, students connect with nature and their community through hands-on projects and exploration.  We are open to all students in Baltimore City. Students are chosen by lottery, not by grades or test scores.  For more information, click here.


  • Second-grader Mehki L’s artwork was one of three pieces selected to represent Baltimore City Public Schools at the “Making Your Mark” juried youth art show at Thurgood Marshall, Baltimore Washington International Airport. The show will be on display from late May until November of this year.
  • Ms. Gordy’s class wrote a play, “Foxy Grandpa,” that was performed in May as part of the Young Playwright’s Festival. It was chosen from a field of 600 applicants, and a monologue by Gregg G. in Ms. Brown’s class was also performed.
  • Amani M. and Henry W. (first grade) and Triniece C. and Samantha S. (third grade) were featured in the regional “For Your Inspiration” exhibit at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
  • Amani M., in Ms. Mongan’s first grade class, and Celia G., in Ms. Carver’s third grade class, created two of only eight Baltimore City works selected for an exhibit at the State Treasury building in Annapolis, MD.
  • Third grade student Teneille W.’s artwork, a print mural created by Ms. Brown’s second grade students, and hand-bound books containing prints and monologues by Ms. Carver’s third grade students are all included in the Arts Everyday exhibit, “My Baltimore,” at the Walters Art Museum.
  • For the third time in a row, a Creative City student artist won the Mayor’s Holiday Card competition.  This year’s card featured Zephyr C.’s artwork featuring mittens.
  • Watch second-grader Earl L. give the weather on Fox 45 News on YouTube!  (You may think this is not art-related, but just wait for the dancing to start.)


Tax-deductible contributions help us offer our students more — more field trips, more exposure to real live practicing artists, and more programs.  You can contribute online here.