Tag: philosophy


What is place-based education?

Place-based education uses the local community and environment as a vehicle for learning core skills and exploring questions that are relevant to Baltimore and to students’ lives. Place-based education increases student motivation and performance, helps students develop stronger ties to their local environment, and allows the school to make positive change in the community. Place-based education is experience-based, and in kindergarten, play-based. Students learn about the built environment, infrastructure, residents, businesses, culture, resources, challenges and the history of the city around them.

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What is arts integration?

At Creative City we weave the visual, musical and performing arts into its curriculum as a way to foster student-centered learning, reflection, and personal expression, and a way to deepen conceptual learning, encourage creative thinking, promote collaboration, and strengthen the social environment within the school. Using the arts in all subjects is our way of delivering information and instruction, and is a method of assessing student mastery. Students observe art to stimulate discussion on pertinent themes and make art to explore problems and reflect on lessons learned.

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Success stories:
  • Second-grader Mehki Lee’s artwork was one of three pieces selected to represent Baltimore City Public Schools at the “Making Your Mark” juried youth art show at Thurgood Marshall, Baltimore Washington International Airport. The show will be on display from late May until November of this year.
  • Ms. Gordy’s class wrote a play, “Foxy Grandpa,” that was performed in May as part of the Young Playwright’s Festival. It was chosen from a field of 600 applicants, and a monologue by Greg Green in Ms. Brown’s class was also performed.
  • Amani McLean and Henry Walker (first grade) and Triniece Carter and Samantha Stanford (third grade) were featured in the regional “For Your Inspiration” exhibit at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
  • Amani McLean, in Ms. Mongan’s first grade class, and Celia Gieszl, in Ms. Carver’s third grade class, created two of only eight Baltimore City works selected for an exhibit at the State Treasury building in Annapolis, MD.
  • Third grade student Teneille Woodard’s artwork, a print mural created by Ms. Brown’s second grade students, and hand-bound books containing prints and monologues by Ms. Carver’s third grade students are all included in the Arts Everyday exhibit, “My Baltimore,” at the Walters Art Museum.
  • For the second time in a row, a Creative City student artist won the Mayor’s Holiday Card competition.  This year’s card featured Ben Klima’s snowman art work.
  • Watch second-grader Earl Lloyd give the weather on Fox 45 News on YouTube!

What is play-based Kindergarten?

At Creative City, we value student-directed play as an opportunity for learning, skill-building, and social development.  Our Kindergarten program includes a generous block of time for child-directed center play in each school day.  Teachers and other classroom helpers are engaged with students during this time to make links to curriculum, challenge thinking, and identify students’ own emerging interests that can later be woven into classroom lessons.  Adult engagement is kept in careful balance with giving students space to do their own problem-solving and negotiate their own social relationships. In addition to having a play-based Kindergarten, Creative City prioritizes play and daily recess for students in all grades.

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What is cooperative community?

Creative City gives young people the opportunity to be active thinkers and leaders through decision-making about their school culture and classroom. Parents, teachers, and community members all have a role in creating and supporting the school’s climate and curriculum. Our Board of Directors is directly elected by all teachers and parents, and includes teachers, parents, and community member representatives. Students, teachers, and parents share the responsibility of choosing new teachers and administrators.

All of our teachers use the responsive-classroom method for managing classroom behavior.

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What is a community school?

Creative City is a strong community school. This means we know that families, schools, and community resources make children successful together. We keep the lights on during evenings and weekends, making Creative City a hub of learning and enrichment for adults and older kids in our community, as well as our students. We build upon partnerships with strong organizations in the neighborhood, bringing their knowledge and wisdom into the classroom and into our whole-family programming. The School Family Association coordinates these efforts alongside the Executive Director.  We build on our community’s assets and coordinate programs, services or resources for our students’ whole families, supporting their needs, dreams and aspirations.


What are some more resources on progressive education in general?



For family reference, here is a complete electronic copy of our Creative City Handbook for 2014-15.

What are the school hours?

Students will be in school from 8:15am–3:00pm every day except for Wednesday. On Wednesday afternoons we will dismiss two hours early, at 1pm, to allow teachers to plan together and participate in professional development. We are committed to providing care during that time for all students, if they need it. (see “Before and After Care” section, below)

How does drop-off and pick-up work?

In order to prevent traffic backup on Reisterstown Rd., we ask that you approach the school from Towanda Avenue, just south of the intersection of Towanda Avenue and Oswego Avenue. If you are putting an address into a GPS, we recommend you use 4100 Towanda Avenue, rather than the official school address on Shirley Avenue.

How do we know if school is closed/closing/late due to inclement weather?

We follow Baltimore City Schools. Please check TV and radio before heading out.

Will students wear uniforms?

We do not require school uniforms, but understand that uniform-type attire is sometimes preferred by families. For those who prefer uniform-type attire, we recommend clothing choices that reflect school spirit with our school colors – GREEN and BLUE – and we specifically suggest items that will be easy to find, affordable, durable, and comfortable for active learning and play. Creative City t-shirts are available for sale in our main office, at cost.

Clothing Suggestions for families who prefer uniform-type attire:

• Dark bottoms (black or navy blue) which may include pants, shorts, skirts, or jumpers.

• Shirts that are any shade of blue or green – plain polo / collared shirts or plain t-shirts, long- or short-sleeved.

Is Kindergarten full day?

Yes, our kindergarten is full-day. Since it is play-based, please know that students will spend limited time sitting at tables or involved in whole-group instruction.

Will you have recess?

Yes, there will be a 30 minute recess period in every grade.

How much homework will students have?


Well-designed homework, at the right time in a child’s development, can have significant impact on his/her learning. Homework can reinforce skills, inspire out-of-school exploration and learning, teach the basics of responsibility, and help to instill the discipline of learning. Therefore, we take a thoughtful and developmental approach to homework at Creative City Public Charter School.


Primary homework for all students is to read at home with a family member/caregiver for 30 minutes each night. Talk to your child’s teacher for ideas on how to make reading at home a rich experience for you and your family.  Visit us at the school or the local library to check out books. Additional homework will be chosen thoughtfully by teachers to extend skills being taught and to connect with trimester projects.


We encourage families to support their child(ren)’s learning by providing them with a quiet and supportive atmosphere in which to complete homework. Some students, especially in the younger grades, may need more parental support with the understanding and completion of homework. As students get older, we encourage parents to allow their students to be as independent as possible in managing and completing homework. If you work with your child on homework, please be sure it is truly their work that is being returned the next day.


At Creative City Public Charter School, we believe that homework in kindergarten should reflect what research tells us about how children in this age group learn best. Therefore, in general, students in these grades will receive less frequent homework and minimal “traditional” homework worksheets. Research points to improved skills or motivation as a result of other types of homework at this age. At times, you may be asked to read together and discuss the story, to go for a walk and record what you see, or to pursue a specific activity related to project work in the classroom or your child’s interests. All these will be more valuable forms of home learning in kindergarten.


In 1st and 2nd grade, students will have a combination of “traditional” assignments, project extensions and skill reinforcement activities with the goal of bridging home and school further and share the themes, subjects and skills that students are learning.

Will kids get any other short breaks during the day other than recess?

We have not planned for “official” breaks other than a 30-minute recess, but teachers will have the flexibility to offer short breaks, change the type of activity that students are doing, and otherwise be responsive to students’ needs.

How often will students take field trips/time out of class?

We have budgeted for one field trip per class per trimester. However, that does not include smaller trips in the neighborhood and around the park. We also plan for older students to walk down to Druid Hill Park to use that space as a learning environment.

Will the students do the same mandatory testing that is done at regular public schools?

Yes, as a public charter school we are required to do the state testing. However, we do not need to complete district testing (such as quarterly benchmarks).

Will parents be required to volunteer? What will parent engagement look like?

As a public charter school, we do not require parent volunteering. However, we will strongly encourage it and work with parents to find ways that they can volunteer that are responsive to their strengths and time constraints. We are a parent-founded school and long-term opportunities for parent engagement are important to us.  We will have a PTA and parents will elect (and can be nominated for) the Creative City Public Charter School Foundation Board of Directors each year.

Parents will be encouraged to participate on committees if they wish. Current committees include fundraising, outreach, school climate/culture, community partnerships, food & farm, and more. Click here for a list of ways to get involved. 

What is the student-teacher ratio? How many students will be in my child’s classroom?

There will be a maximum of 22 students in each classroom. Including our plans for hiring teacher’s aides, and teaching positions that are not attached to a classroom (i.e. Reading Specialist, Arts Integration Specialist, Physical Education, etc) we anticipate an average pupil to instructional-staff ratio of about 12:1. It should be noted that our highest use of teacher’s aides will be in Kindergarten classes, resulting in an even lower ratio for our youngest students.

Will there be free or reduced-price meals available?

Yes. This opportunity is the same as in any other Baltimore City public school.

Are parents allowed to visit/observe in their child’s classroom?

Yes, parents are allowed to visit/observe in their child’s classroom as long as the teacher feels that it is not disruptive.

What if my child has an IEP or 504 plan?

Children with an IEP or 504 will be served according to their plan. We will have in-class and pull-out services.

Will before and after care be offered?

Please see the News post “Before and AfterCare with UEC for Fall 2015.”